5 Simple Steps to Reduce Plastic Use, Improve Your Health, and Build Sustainable Habits

Welcome to this blog post all about making small, sustainable changes to your daily routine that can have a big impact on your health and the environment. Whether you’re inspired by Marie Kondo’s decluttering techniques, want to reduce your plastic use, or just want to eat healthier, these tips will help you make lasting changes…

Welcome to this blog post all about making small, sustainable changes to your daily routine that can have a big impact on your health and the environment. Whether you’re inspired by Marie Kondo’s decluttering techniques, want to reduce your plastic use, or just want to eat healthier, these tips will help you make lasting changes without overwhelming yourself. Remember, the key is to start small and gradually build up to bigger changes. So let’s get started!

Have you ever tried to make a big change in your life, only to get overwhelmed and give up? It’s all too common. That’s why I believe in the power of small, gradual changes. Here’s how I do it:

  1. Personal care products: I try to use products with fewer ingredients, and I look for natural options whenever possible.
  2. Cooking: I keep things simple by using the right spices and using fresh, whole ingredients. This not only tastes better, but it’s also healthier for me.
  3. Food choices: I focus on eating food that comes from nature and is minimally processed. I also listen to my body and don’t feel pressure to eat something if I’m not in the mood for it.
  4. Small, lasting changes: Instead of trying to overhaul everything at once, I focus on making small changes that I can stick with long-term. This helps me avoid feeling overwhelmed and allows me to build new habits more easily.
  5. Reduce pressure: I try not to put too much pressure on myself to make drastic changes all at once. It’s important to be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to adjust to new habits.

So, how can you apply these principles to your own life? Here are a few ideas:

  • Diet: If you want to start a new diet, try replacing your products one by one. Use up what you have in your pantry while slowly adjusting to something new. For example, if you want to go gluten-free, try swapping out your oats for gluten-free oats. Or if you want to try a dairy-free diet, consider replacing butter with coconut oil or ghee butter.
  • Plastic reduction: If you want to use less plastic in your kitchen, try gradually replacing plastic containers with glass jars. Donate your Tupperware after you get used to using glass containers (Ikea has some great glass options). And when shopping at the supermarket, look for foods that aren’t wrapped in plastic. It’s also helpful to keep a few plastic containers on hand, as they can come in handy in certain situations (like when you’re packing lunch to take on the go).
  • New recipes: If you want to try new recipes, start with the easiest and quickest ones, especially if you’re using unfamiliar ingredients. Roasting vegetables in the oven is a great place to start, and you can also try making soups and raw veggie or fruit snacks (like carrot sticks dipped in peanut butter).
  • Exercise: If you want to start exercising, try starting with just 15-30 minutes a day. Take it slow and give yourself permission to take breaks when you need them. Aim for 3 workouts a week and gradually increase as you feel comfortable. And make it fun by playing your favorite music, wearing clothes you love, and treating yourself to a refreshing smoothie after your workout.
  • Sleep: If you want to improve your sleep routine, try setting a screen time limit on your phone and stop using it after 9 pm.

Enjoy the process and feel free to share your tips, tricks and accomplishments in the comments below!

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