Confessions of a Foodie: What and how I eat in a day

Welcome to a day of healthy eating! People often ask me what I eat. This is why in this blog post, we’ll explore my daily food choices and meal timings, designed to support women in their quest for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. So let’s embark on this delightful and nourishing food adventure! Rise…

Welcome to a day of healthy eating! People often ask me what I eat. This is why in this blog post, we’ll explore my daily food choices and meal timings, designed to support women in their quest for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. So let’s embark on this delightful and nourishing food adventure!

Rise and Squeeze

I stumble out of bed, still half asleep, and embark on a quest to quench my morning thirst within the first 60 minutes of waking up. I concoct a drink consists of half a squeezed lemon, water and a pinch of Celtic sea salt. Sometimes I only drink water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Sometimes I have green tea. Sometimes I have coconut water with juice and a pinch of Celtic sea salt. Sometimes I have filtered water. Sometimes I’m just grumpy and prepare my meal. The idea is to hydrate once you wake up.

Protein-Packed Mornings

Breakfast Heroes! Here comes the superhero of breakfast—protein! I start my day like a champ with eggs and veggies or sometimes opt for a protein shake when the kitchen feels like a war zone. And let’s not forget the sausages that add a touch of sizzle to the morning routine and count as protein as well. Protein power-up, activate!

Meal Time Spacing without Snack Attacks

I strategically leave 3 to 4 hours between my meals, channeling my inner patience guru. It’s like a mindful dance, resisting the temptation to snack and allowing my body to fully digest and appreciate each nourishing meal. No snacking means no unnecessary tango with cravings!

Midday Magic

Veggie Symphony with a Protein Twist Lunchtime is when the magic happens. I conjure up a symphony of flavors by combining protein with non-starchy veggies. It’s like a food orchestra playing a perfectly balanced tune. Grilled lamb, steak, fish or even chicken harmonizing with a vibrant salad or a veggie bowl topped with lean protein—lunch has never tasted so good!

The Nighttime Veggie Spectacle

As the sun sets, it’s time for a veggie spectacle on my dinner plate. I embrace the duo of starchy and non-starchy veggies. Sweet potatoes meet steamed greens, and roasted root vegetables mingle with a fresh salad. It’s a night of veggie excitement that’s worth savoring. Let’s not mention the delicious potatoes paired with sour cream (even if sour cream is not a veggie!). Also, I pay attention to leave at least 12 hours before my night meal and the meal I eat the morning after. Regard it as a bit of fasting.

I won’t go into more detail than this, I’ll just sum up the most important things:

  • eat within 30-60 minutes of waking
  • leave 3-4 hours between the meals
  • don’t eat too late at night
  • don’t be afraid of healthy proteins (I personally include them in 2 meals out of 3)

In this wild and whimsical food journey, remember that change doesn’t happen overnight. Take it one step, or rather one delicious bite, at a time. Transforming your eating habits shouldn’t be a daunting task but rather an opportunity to infuse joy into your culinary adventures.

Food should bring joy, not stress. So, embrace the hilarity of your food journey, experiment with flavors, and make gradual changes that align with your goals. Little by little, you’ll create a healthier and happier relationship with what you eat. Let the journey be filled with laughter, delicious discoveries, and a newfound appreciation for the nourishing power of food.

So, gather your humor, grab a fork, and embark on this flavorful and fun-filled path to a healthier life. Bon appétit, my fellow food enthusiasts!

Also, what are your eating habits? Do you have something you struggle with? Any tips and tricks? Let me know in the comment section!

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