The basics of healing and staying healthy

More often than not, when someone’s sick, they feel that they won’t get healthy unless they’ll pay a lot of money. Maybe it has something to do with trust. Do people trust expensive things more? Maybe it’s reassuring if you know you’ve paid great money for something that got you better. And there’s nothing wrong…

More often than not, when someone’s sick, they feel that they won’t get healthy unless they’ll pay a lot of money. Maybe it has something to do with trust. Do people trust expensive things more? Maybe it’s reassuring if you know you’ve paid great money for something that got you better. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

I also see a lot of people struggling with health issues who choose the most expensive treatment and then are unsatisfied because the results don’t come as fast as they expected or because they don’t last.

Everyone’s journey is unique.

What people don’t do most of the time is ask themselves: How did I become sick? What was the cause of it? What started all this messy rollercoaster?

When someones gets wounded because they fell, they disinfect their wound, apply a bandaid AND also become a bit more careful not to fall and bite the ground again, when faced with a similar situation.

When someone gets burned because they touched a hot dish, they will become extra careful when handling dishes, because they know what caused their burn and will do anything to avoid it.

Why don’t people do the same when it comes to their health?

So many women struggle with a sluggish thyroid, so the doctor prescribes them medicine and they take it and life goes on. Other people don’t have enough iron, so they take a supplement. And the list goes on.

It’s very good to take care of one’s health, of course, and to take what the doctor prescribes. This post is supposed to make you wonder: “What is the root cause of the condition? Why did the thyroid become sluggish? Or why am I not absorbing iron?”

Once you start asking the right questions, you will truly be able to heal and to stay healthy! Even if we don’t like to admit it or we don’t think about it, there are some things almost anyone can do in order to improve the quality of their life.

First, we have the sunlight. Are you spending time outside at least for 30 minutes a day? Our eyes need to see the sunlight in the morning and in the evening (at least), in order for us to have a properly functioning circadian rhythm and to sleep well. Not to mention vitamin D! And yes, this applies even if it’s cloudy outside.

Then, there’s the S-word. Stress. Everyone has a certain level of stress going on. It is important for our bodies to be able to handle it well. My favorite thing to do is to have a wind-down routine at night, that tells my body that he should rest. I have a small cup of tea with collagen or eat a small snack, then I brush my teeth while listening to a song, take a shower and read for at least 10 minutes. I got so used to this routine, that I begin yawning as soon as my “chill playlist” starts playing in the bathroom. My body knows that it’s time to decompress and rest.

Lastly, we should not only take care to what we eat, but also to how we eat it. I personally take 2-3 deep breaths when I sit down in front of my meal, before eating. I chew the meals thoroughly and do not hurry. I noticed that I enjoy the taste of the food more and that I’m aware of it more when I do that.

These are the foundations of a healthy body: getting outside, winding down at night and eating in a calm environment. If you don’t know where to start, I suggest you start here. Don’t underestimate the basics, just know that our bodies are smart and strong, but they need us to take care of them, in the same way they take care of us!

What are your favorite things to do in order to help your body stay healthy/become healthy? Let me know in the comments!

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